Cummins ISM11E5-385

Cummins ISM11E5-385 Diesel Engine for Vehicle
General data of Cummins ISM11E5-385 Diesel Engine for Vehicle |
Engine Model |
Cummins ISM11E5-385 |
Engine Type |
4 stroke, 6 cylinder in line |
Displacement |
10.8 L |
Bore&Stroke |
125*147 mm |
Net Weight |
940 KG |
Dimension(L*W*H) |
1335*825*1159 (mm) |
Technical data of Cummins ISM11E5-385 Diesel Engine for Vehicle |
Emission Standard |
EURO V/China V |
Control Method |
Full Electronic Control System |
Combustion mode |
Injection |
Aspiration |
Turbocharged and Intercooled |
Compression Ratio |
16.2:1 |
Firing Order |
1-5-3-6-2-4 |
Allowable maximum Speed |
2130 RPM |
Allowable maximum intake resistance |
3.7 kPa |
Allowable maximum exhaust backpressure |
20 kPa |
Performance Date of Cummins ISM11E5-385 Diesel Engine for Vehicle |
Rated Output |
280KW/385HP |
Rated Speed |
1900RPM |
Max Torque/Speed |
1825N.m/1000-1400 RPM |
Minimum Fuel Consumption |
Above are general technicial parameters of Cummins ISM11E5-385 diesel engine for vehicle. Cummins ISM11E5-385 genuine engine parts are also available for us.
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