Cummins NTA855-D(M)313

Cummins NTA855-D(M)313 Marine Auxiliary Engine
General data of Cummins NTA855-D(M)313 Marine Auxiliary Engine |
Engine Model |
Cummins NTA855-D(M)313 |
Type |
6 cylinder in line |
Exhaust |
Wet |
Displacement |
14 L |
Bore&Stroke |
140×152 mm |
Weight (Dry) – Engine Only |
1315 KG |
Weight (Dry) – Engine With HeatexchangerSystem |
1420 KG |
Technical data of Cummins NTA855-D(M)313 Marine Auxiliary Engine |
Aspiration |
Turbocharged/Aftercooled |
Fuel System |
PT Pump |
Coolant Flow to Engine Heat Exchanger |
234 l/min |
Idle Speed Range |
575-650 RPM |
Compression ratio |
14.0:1 |
Piston Speed |
9.12 m/sec |
Friction Power |
35 KW |
Firing Order |
1-5-3-6-2-4 |
Performance Date of Cummins NTA855-D(M)313 Marine Auxiliary Engine |
Rated Output/Speed |
313KW/420HP/1800RPM |
Standby Output/Speed |
347KW/465HP/1800RPM |
Rated Engine Torque/prime power |
Rated Engine Torque/overload |
1841 N.m/1800RPM |
Brake Mean Effective Pressure/prime power |
1490 KPa |
Brake Mean Effective Pressure/overload |
1652 KPa |
Fuel Consumption/rated output |
78 l/hr |
Fuel Consumption/standby output |
86 l/hr |
Above are general technicial parameters of Cummins NTA855-DM313 Marine Engine. Cummins NTA855-DM313 genuine parts and marine generator set are also available for us.
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