piezas del motor Cummins, motor marino, distribuidor del grupo electrógeno
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Enseñarle a prevenir la temperatura excesiva del agua.

¿Qué debo hacer después de que suba la temperatura del agua??
Después de que la temperatura del agua del vehículo sea alta, el propietario no debe apagar el fuego de inmediato. Because the water pump and the fan of the cooling system are both driven by the engine, the pump and the fan will stop at the same time after the flameout, and the coolant can not continue to circulate. En este momento, all the components of the engine are maintained at a high temperature, and if effective cooling is not obtained, The heat will be slow and even the temperature will continue to rise.

The correct way: keep the engine running for a while under idle speed, and turn on the air conditioner, so that the fan will force the heat to be turned on, and then the flame will be turned off after the coolant temperature drops to the normal value.

La principal causa de la alta temperatura del agua.?
here are many reasons for the high water temperature. Here are a few easy to judge situations:

Insufficient coolant causes the water temperature to be too high

The easiest to judge when the coolant is lowwe only need to check the auxiliary tank and the coolant remaining. If the coolant level is below the “MIN” line, el refrigerante es demasiado bajo.

The radiator is too dirty and the water temperature is too high.

If the engine compartment is not cleaned for a long time and there is too much dust, especially the summer catkins, the water tank will be poorly cooled, resultando en una temperatura excesiva del agua. Bajo circunstancias normales, because the water temperature caused by excessive dust in the water tank is too high, we only need to clean the dust on the radiator to solve the problem.

It should be noted that do not use a water tap or a high-pressure water gun to directly flush the water tank or the engine compartment. De otra manera, the engine circuit may be faulty; and the dust will condense when it meets the water, but it will stick tighter. To clean up the dust on the engine compartment or the water tank, you should use a wind gun to blow away the dust with the wind.

Check if the fan is working properly

In the case of idle speed, after the water temperature rises to the large circulation node, the fan will work with the water tank. If the vehicle does not turn after the vehicle has been idling for a certain period of time and the water temperature rises to 96 ° C, indica que el ventilador está averiado.

The fan does not rotate normally. You need to go to the service station to see if the fan function is not turned on. Especially for vehicles that have just replaced the engine assembly or the ECM module, this problem has a high probability of occurrence. If the fan is set correctly, you need to check if the relay in the fan clutch is faulty.

Check if the thermostat is working properly

The function of the thermostat is to automatically adjust the amount of water entering the radiator according to the temperature of the cooling water, and change the circulation range of the water to adjust the cooling capacity of the cooling system to ensure that the engine works in a suitable temperature range.

If we find that the water temperature is too high during normal vehicle driving, then we can open the engine cover and touch the water inlet and outlet pipes by hand to see if there is a temperature difference; si hay una diferencia de temperatura, the thermostat is faulty. , can not work properly and cause the water temperature to be too high.

Cómo evitar que la temperatura del agua sea demasiado alta?
1. Regularly check or replace the coolant

Various anti-rust agents and anti-foaming agents are added to the coolant to effectively reduce the rust of the cooling system and the generation of coolant foam. Después de un largo período de uso., these additives are consumed, por lo que debemos reemplazar el refrigerante nuevo con regularidad.
2, can not replace the coolant with water
In the daily use of vehicles, we must not use water for long-term replacement of special coolant, water can only be used as an emergency in special circumstances. Although the water will replace the coolant, it will not cause any adverse effects on the vehicle in a short time, but over time, the problem will come.

primero, water has a lower boiling point than a dedicated coolant and is more likely to evaporate, so it is often necessary to use water as a coolant. en segundo lugar, the water that has not been specially treated contains more minerals. Después de un uso prolongado, it will generate scale in the water pipe. When the scale accumulates to a certain extent, it will reduce the circulation efficiency of water in the water pipe and affect the cooling effect of the cooling system. . Finalmente, water can easily freeze in winter, especialmente en el norte. After the vehicle is parked for one night, the water in the tank will freeze and swell, causando graves daños al cuerpo.

3. Regularly remove dust from the water tank and engine compartment
During the running of the vehicle, the high-speed wind that hits the surface can help remove the heat from the surface of the tank. If the surface of the tank is dusty, the heat dissipation during driving will be greatly reduced, que eventualmente puede conducir a una temperatura excesiva del agua. Por lo tanto, Debemos quitar regularmente el polvo del tanque y del compartimiento del motor..

Al limpiar el tanque de agua o el polvo en el compartimiento del motor, we should avoid flushing the engine compartment directly with water, which may cause the wire connector to fall off and damage the electronic components. The correct approach should be to use a high-pressure air gun to blow at a location with more dust. It is recommended that every time the vehicle is under maintenance or when going to the car wash, let the service station maintenance staff or the car wash shop staff help to clean up the dust in the engine compartment with a wind gun.

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