детали двигателя Cummins, судовой двигатель, генераторные установки дилер
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Как судить, соответствует ли возврат топлива форсунке

Detection Tool

  1. Fuel return hose(номер части 3164618)
  2. Два куска гаечного ключа с открытым концом(17#И 19 #)
  3. Мерная бутылка(100мл)
  4. Гаечный ключ(с 22# вилка)
  6. Computer with INSITE service software
  7. Collecting barrels for fuel

Operation steps

  1. Installation of return hose:

Используйте гаечный ключ (19#) to remove the hollow bolt that connects the fuel injector return line. Install the injector return oil test quick connector and connect the return hose. Put the other end of the fuel return hose into the bucket.

  1. Connect to INLINE:
  2. Open the INLINE connector on the front of the passenger seat, подключить INLINE (обратите внимание на направление подключения), и подключите другой конец INLINE к компьютеру.
  3. Start the engine for testing:

Turn on the vehicle power and turn the car key to the ON position;
Open the INSITE software on your computer and click Connect to ECM in the software interface.
Put the other end of the injector return hose into the bucket;
Start the engine and keep the engine running at idle speed; when the oil return of the injector flows into the barrel, use the INSITE service software to perform the high pressure leak test for 1 minute, and insert the oil return hose into the measuring cylinder to measure the oil return of the injector.

Result identification

If the fuel return of the injector exceeds 70ml, a broken cylinder test is required to determine the injector that is damaged or worn;

If the oil return does not exceed 70 мл, it is proved that the fuel return of the injector is acceptable. After the test is complete, remove all tools and return them as they are.

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