детали двигателя Cummins, судовой двигатель, генераторные установки дилер
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Что делать при выходе из строя турбокомпрессора

Турбокомпрессор используется для увеличения мощности двигателя и снижения выбросов важных деталей.. Что касается пользователя, техническое обслуживание и ненадлежащее техническое обслуживание приводит к поломке и нарушению нормальной работы двигателя.. В этой статье, some common turbocharger failures and treatment methods are described below:
Oil spill
Phenomenon: the oil consumed in large quantities, but the normal color of exhaust smoke, power is not reduced.
Reason: This is usually caused due to oil leakage.
1. Should check the engine lubrication system external tubing (including the turbocharger into, return pipe) is leaking first;
2. Check whether the turbocharger exhaust outlet have oil or not. If oil can determine the turbine end of the seal ring damaged, then replace the seal ring.
Phenomena: the oil consumed in large quantities, take the blue smoke exhaust, but the power did not decline.
Reason: Because the turbocharger-side oil pressure, engine oil through the engine intake manifold into the combustion chamber caused by burn, there are several possibilities:
1. Turbocharger oil return pipe is not blocked, the oil in the bearing at the middle of the rotor assembly accumulates excessive gas pressure along the rotor shaft into the impeller.
2. Close to the compressor impeller end of the sealing ring or rejection oil ring is damaged, the oil will enter the impeller chamber, and then pressurized with room air after the tube together into the combustion chamber through the feed.
1. Open the compressor outlet or engine intake straight pipe (rubber hose), care of mouth, chunks of wall oil. If yes, please check the turbocharger oil return pipe is smooth. Such as the General is due to poor support at the middle of the plot caused by too much oil, it should return pipe to clear the after-loading complex.
2. Such as flow, is due to the impeller end of the sealing ring or oil ring damage caused by rejection, the disintegration of the turbocharger should be repaired.
Three phenomena: oil consumed in large quantities, take the blue smoke exhaust or smoke, and power down.
1. The gap between piston and cylinder wear and tear is too large, oil fleeing into the combustion chamber and burned.
2. Inhaled air is pressurized in the process, the air flow in case of resistance. (Such as air filter clogging, the inlet suction hose is deformed or crushed, и т.п.), compressor inlet pressure at the lower, resulting in oil leakage into the compressor, along with the compressed air into the combustion chamber burned.
1. Check the air intake and whether the oil until soft wall, is being crushed, so there is airflow obstruction or air filter clogging.
2. If there is oil nozzle and the wall should be clean or replace air filter.
Metal friction sound
Phenomenon: the smoky exhaust, power down, and there is abnormal sound booster.
1. If metal friction sound, is the turbocharger rotor bearings or excessive thrust bearing wear, turbocharger impeller and shell friction generated.
2. If it is not metal grinding sound, but the sound of air, is due to the turbocharger rotor high-speed rotation, the rotation of the sound generated, or into the exhaust generated at the interface due to bad connections of air leaks.
(1) replacement of the wear of the former should be considered to repair the damaged parts.
2. The latter should be carefully distinguished, targeted solution.
Turbocharger bearing damage
Phenomenon: the turbocharger bearing failure, the engine power down, oil consumption is high, черный дым, and in severe turbocharger does not work.
1. Lack of oil pressure and flow.
а. turbocharger journal and thrust bearing oil supply;
б. between the rotor and the bearing journal to keep floating oil shortage;
с. Booster is high-speed operation, while the oil is not supplied in time.
2. Debris or sediment into the lubrication system.
3. Oxidative deterioration of oil.
а. diesel oil overheating Cuanguo between piston and cylinder wall from the gas too much;
б. cooling water leak into the engine oil;
с. improper selection of oil and no oil changes required on a regular basis.
1. Check the oil pressure is normal, the amount of oil to meet the requirements.
2. According to requirements, regular replacement of oil, and to ensure that oil clean.
3. Strictly follow the regulations, the use of oil, not mixed.
4. Avoid working the engine at high temperatures, keeping the engine’s normal operating temperature.

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