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Стандарты Cummins Genset Technical Maintenance-7

Если необходимо, добавить немного дистиллированной воды. После этого дайте двигателю поработать на холостом ходу на высоких оборотах в течение 30 минут, а затем зарядите аккумулятор.
Предупреждение: Недопустимо, чтобы поблизости не было никаких искр или факелов., which will cause dangers of fire and explosion.
Предупреждение: The electrolysis contains sulphuric acid with strong corrosiveness, so while moving or charging, please do safeguard your skin and clothes. A pair of goggles and a pair of gloves are rather necessary for you. If some electrolysis sprays onto your skin , wash it with plenty of clean water or a load of soap at once. If the electrolysis sprays into your eyes, wash with plenty of clean water and go to the hospital at once.
25. If the fusing line touches off repeatedly, it means there‟s something matter to which must be repaired immediately.
26. Every other 50 часов, examine the level of the electrolyte of the battery as well as the leakage of water and electricity.
27. Every other 200 часов, examine the tightness of the belt for the charging generator and regulate it.
28. Every other 300 часов, change the lubricating oil in the bottom of the oil tank, as well as the oil filter.
29. Every other 400 часов, change the fuel filter (shorten the period according to the state of oil quality and oil grease.)
Предупреждение: In order not to cause fire by the spraying oil onto the hot surface, the fuel filter must be changed in the cooling state. Just take apart the filter, paint a little lubricating oil on the sealing washer of the fresh filter, twist the filter until its sealing washer touches the stand, then twist it to tight (no leakage). Don‟t twist it repeatedly. Drain off the air in the fuel system, start the engine and examine if there‟s any leakage.
30. Every other 800 часов:
A. Drain off the deposit in the fuel tank;
В. Examine if there‟s any oil leakage in the exit or entry of the pressure booster.
С. Examine the water tank and neutral cooler. (It‟s not allowed to be blocked.)
31. Every other 1,200 часов, please ask experts to examine the leakage of air valve and regulate it if necessary.
32. Every other 2,400 часов:
A. Ask experts to take it apart and examine it, regulate the oil-spraying head.
В. Ask experts to examine the operation state of pressure booster, and start the engine to examine as usual.
33. Every other 6 месяцы, change the filter of coolant, and examine the water level of the coolant as well.
34. Every other year, wash the cooling system, change the coolant and examine if there‟s water leakage. Remove the obstacles in the economizer and in the cooler.
11. Standards for Genset Technical Maintenance
Genset technical maintenance is periodically to examine, to regulate and to wash—- the genset accessories systematically and carefully, so that we can supply it necessary good operation conditions for gensets, prevent from wearing and tearing earlier and from various accidents happening and accordingly bring the diesel genset into play effectively and economically. Therefore in the appliance of the diesel genset, realistic plan and maintenance regulations must be established so that we can perform better in various work of maintenance.
A. Daily Safeguard:
1. Examine the oil level of the crankcase. If it is inadequate, please add oil to it.
2. Examine if there‟s leakage among the oil pump, Помпа, filters and each joint. Remove it if any leakage is found.
3. Examine if the fuel in the fuel tank is adequate. Если не, add fuel to the tank in time.
4. Examine the genset pedestal and check the tightness degree of the connecting bolts.
5. Examine if each joint of the instrument meters is loose or if the indicators return to the zero point.
6. Examine if the operation structures are nimble, accurate and reliable.
7. Examine the tightness degree of the triangle transmission belt. If not available, regulate it in time.
8. Keep the generator room clean and tidy.
В. First Class Maintenance for Diesel Genset:
1. Regularly clean and wash the generator room, get rid of the oil track, water track and dust on the surface of genset parts, keep them clean and tidy.
2. Examine and regulate the leakage between the air entry and air-vent.
3. Add lubricate oil to the oil filler points and the lubricate parts.
4. Examine the “four leakages” (leakages of oil, water, gas and electricity) and remove each of them.
5. Examine the tightness degree of the transmission belt of the charging genset fan (Regularly 3kg to 5kg pressure can be added to the neutral point of the V belt, which can be pressed into within a suitable distance of 10mm to 20mm.)
6. Change the “three filters” (масло, fuel and air).
7. Examine the tightness degree transmission connecting bolts of the fuel injection pump, regulate the advance angle of the oil jet accordingly.
8. Examine if there‟s water in the fuel tank and oil-water filter. If there‟s any, check the cause and remove it.
9. Change the lubricating oil in time according to the regulations of different type of genset as well as its oil quality.
10. Examine the tightness degree of the transmission belt, the installation of the safety protection cover, and the reliability of the electric protection backtrack (low oil pressure and high water temperature.)
11. Regularly examine the exhausting pipelines of the waste-gas turbo pressure booster as well as their joints, check if there‟s some leakage or if the intake pipes or the air filters have been washed or blown dry. (Every other 200 часов, the filters must be handled with once.)
12. Survey the insulating resistance, which must be higher than 0.5 ohm.
13. Examine the situation of bearing lubrication and temperature. If the temperature is over speed, analyze the cause and remove it. Add some lubricating oil to it.

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