phụ tùng động cơ Cummins, động cơ hàng hải, máy phát điện đặt đại lý
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Tám chú ý chính để bảo dưỡng động cơ

1, irregular maintenance

Regular maintenance of the engine is very important, và nhiều kỹ thuật viên bảo trì chuyên nghiệp cho biết, sự cố do bảo dưỡng động cơ kém trong các phương tiện họ sửa chữa chiếm 50% trong tổng số thất bại. It can be seen that engine maintenance can play a vital role in extending the service life of the vehicle. It is not only necessary to carry out the maintenance of the engine during the regular maintenance period, but also to check and maintain the relevant parts of the engine when driving in areas that are particularly humid or extremely dusty.

2, oil deterioration and oil filter is not smooth

Different grades of lubricating oil will change during use. After a certain mileage of the vehicle, the performance will deteriorate and it may cause various problems to the engine. When the oil passes through the pores of the oil filter, the solid particles and the viscous material in the oil are accumulated in the filter. If the filter is clogged, the oil will not pass through the filter element smoothly. It will swell the filter element or open the safety valve. It will pass the bypass valve and still bring the dirt back to the lubrication part, which will accelerate the wear of the engine and increase the internal pollution. vì thế, regular replacement of the oil filter is equally important. Don’t add less oil, but don’t add more. The more expensive the international brand-name engine oil, tốt hơn. The oil for your car is the best.

3, air filter plugging

The intake system of the engine is mainly composed of an air filter and an intake pipe. According to different usage conditions, the air filter should be cleaned regularly. The air filter should be replaced after cleaning for 3 times. The cleaning cycle can be determined by the air quality in the daily driving area. It is also important to purchase a factory-made air filter that is supplied by a manufacturer with good quality.

4, the intake pipe is too dirty

If the vehicle is often driven by a road area with more dust and poor air quality, you should pay attention to cleaning the intake pipe to ensure the smooth flow of the air. The intake duct is very important for the normal operation of the engine. If the intake duct is too dirty, the efficiency will drop, so that the engine cannot operate within the normal output power range, which will aggravate the wear and aging of the engine. Try to avoid dusty areas as much as possible. Đồng thời, the air conditioner should also be replaced.

5, too much crankcase sludge

During the operation of the engine, the high-pressure unburned gas, acid, moisture, sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the combustion chamber enter the crankcase through the gap between the piston ring and the cylinder wall, so that it is mixed with the metal powder generated by the wear of the parts. Together, the sludge is formed. A small amount of sludge can be suspended in the oil, and when it is large, it is separated from the oil, clogging the filter and the oil hole, which makes the engine difficult to lubricate, thereby aggravating the wear of the engine. The choice of high quality fuels and synthetic diesel lubricants is especially important for reducing sludge generation, so it is recommended that owners purchase as much as possible the synthetic diesel lubricants and fuels for your car through formal channels. Ngoài ra, please check the oil level of your car frequently. If it is not enough, you should replenish it as soon as possible.

6, improper maintenance of the fuel system

Maintenance of the fuel system includes replacing the fuel filter according to maintenance requirements, removing deposits from the fuel filter, and properly maintaining the fuel tank and piping.

7, the water tank is rusty, scaling

To avoid the rust and scale of the engine water tank, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of coolant. Some car owners do not pay attention to the use and quality of the coolant, usually the ordinary water is added to the water tank. The most common problems in cooling systems are rust, scaling, corrosion and other issues. The main reason for this is that no good coolant is used. Good coolant not only has a low freezing point, but also has various other added components, which can inhibit foam, rust, electrolysis and scale, Vân vân., so it is still reminded that the majority of cars carefully choose the coolant that is beneficial to the tank.

8, the cooling system is in poor condition

The most common faults of the engine, such as piston pull cylinders, cylinder cavitation, severe noise caused by rough work, and reduced power loss, are caused by abnormal operating temperatures of the engine, excessive pressure, and poor cooling system conditions. Poor cooling system conditions will directly cause the engine to fail to operate at normal temperatures, which in turn will cause the above-mentioned serious failures. vì thế, it is necessary to regularly use the water tank strong and efficient cleaning agent to clean the water tank and the rust and corrosion in the cooling system, and then add the appropriate coolant. This will ensure the normal operation of the engine and extend the overall life of the tank and engine.

As the saying goes, seven-point maintenance three-point repair, only regular maintenance of various parts, in order to extend the life of the vehicle.

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